Who We Are
The Texas Reiki Institute was founded to provide quality instruction and healing. While the core teachings focus on Traditional Usui Reiki as taught by Hiroshi Doi and the Gendai Reiki system, all Reiki teachings are accepted. Classes are held in Houston, Beaumont, and San Antonio. Contact the TRI for more information and schedules of classes.
At the Texas Reiki Institute, instruction is given in Gendai Reiki-ho, the perfered Reiki system in Japan today. Students are divided into four levels according to experience. Class fees are moderate and donations are accepted at Reiki shares.
Upcoming Events
Reiki shares meet every Wednesday. This week we will begin discussing self-cleansing and self-purification methods with Reiki. To sign up for the shares or to learn more about them check out our Reiki Share Meetup at http://reiki.meetup.com/350/ .
New Message Board!
We've just added a new corkboard! Anyone can post messages, healing requests, and sign up for the weekly Reiki Reiju! Check it out at http://houstonreiki.freewebspace.com/corkboard/ .