Reiki Curriculum
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Different Reiki Systems

By the Levels

Here's an overview of what is taught at the various levels of Reiki

Shoden {Level 1}

Introduction to Reiki; structure of Reiki-ho, essence of Reiki-ho and Gendai Reiki-ho, what is Reiki, The founder Mikao Usui, Reiki history, how to deliver, strengthen, snd use Reiki, Reiki healing basic, self-purifying methods, how to use Reiki for Level 1 practitioners.

Okuden {Level 2}

Purpose and concept of Level , Symbols and Kotodama and how to use them, healing beyond space and time, Western healing techniques, traditional healiong techniques, self-purifying techniques, how to use Reiki for Level 2 practitioners.

Shinpiden {Level 3}

Concept of Level 3, how to realize yourself by Reiki wave improving sprituality, re-recognizing the essence of Reiki healing, learn to use the Master symbol, affirmation technique, using symbols and transcending symbols, guide to Enlightenment, traditional healing techniques, self-purifying methods.

Gokui Kaiden {Level 4}

Steps to educate and qualify a Reiki Shihan, guide to Reiki mastership, qualification, role and own practice, Shihan's consciousness, recognition and understanding of healing, summary of Reiki-ho, understanding attunements and symbols, how to give attunements, characteristics of each level, fact of Usui Sensei, traces of Enlightenment, instruction guidlines and techniques, traditional techniques of Reiki-ho, peculiar three major treatment modalities, Reiji, hints for Gendai Reiki Shihan, Reiju and Integrated Attunement.